

In this time of uncertainty, many employees have been affected emotionally, mentally and physically. And it is affecting the productivity of the employees at work and it will definitely have a negative impact on the performance of the company as a whole. Hence, many entrepreneurs should understand this possibility and start organizing training on life skills that will help their employees during times of uncertainty. 

In simpler terms, Life Skills are the traits that people need to deal with their lives. These are the necessary skills to surpass the obstacles in life. During this time of pandemic, many workers have developed fear, anxieties and extreme sadness because of the uncertainty of the situation which greatly affects their performance at their work. 

In  one of the webinars of Coach Darwin Rivers of the Philippines HR Group, he said that the future of training is training your employees about life skills which can have a huge impact on the productivity of the workers and the company in the long run. It is totally agreeable that companies should start creating Life Skills training for their employees in order for them to always be ready to deal with the uncertainty of life. Likewise, they can outsource a training firm like CollarFinder Management Consultancy Inc who can facilitate this kind of training for their employees. 

Here are some of the examples of life skills that can be included in the training program for the companies’ employees. 

1. Resilience  

It is the ability of a person to cope or recover quickly from a difficult situation. This COVID-19 has really put many people in a very difficult situation and it has greatly affected their health in all aspects. 

2. Problem Solving Skills/Decision Making Skills

It is the ability of  a person to make wise decisions to solve their problems in their lives. When people are faced with problems, they make decisions quickly without further analysis and evaluation which aggravates the situation more. 

3. Adaptability

It is the ability of the people to adjust to the new situation easily. This COVID-19 has really changed everything in our lives and embracing these changes that take place can really help for them to feel good and optimistic despite what is happening around. 

Having training on the life skills above can really help the employees to be stronger and keep on going with their lives. They will always make choices that will make them healthier and motivated in their lives. When these things happen, companies where these people work will be benefited a lot because they have productive employees that make their companies successful.